Dear Brook Forest Students,
Is winter break treating you well? I cannot wait to hear about your adventures. Do you have end of the year traditions? Every December I write goals for the next year. I'm going to share three goals with you and hope you will do the same.

Goal one: To become more involved in library and book committees.
How will I accomplish this goal? I will apply to be on the Rebecca Caudill Young Reader's Book Award committee. I will join the United States Board on Books for Young People.
Goal two: To read 2,011 books. (I read 1,705 books during 2010.)
How will I accomplish this goal? I will listen to more audio books. I will finish reading every book in the "E" section.
Goal three: To be more metacognitive.
You know the song, right? (sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques")
"Metacognition. Metacognition. What's that word? What's that Word? Thinking about thinking. Thinking about thinking. When you read. When you read."
How will I accomplish this goal? After every lesson, I will write down what went well and what could have gone better. I will ask you for constructive feedback, too.
Thank you, in advance, for encouraging me to reach these goals.
Best wishes,
Mr. Schu
*GOALS was created using Creative Commons-licensed images.
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